Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Cloudy Day

Oh gosh! This is my first blog entry! It's almost feels like I just cracked open a new notebook and now I am sitting here wondering what I should write on the first page. What if my first post isn't awe inspiring or funny or even slightly entertaining - I guess it isn't that serious, is it? How about I introduce myself and talk a little bit about where I am at in life? You should always start at the beginning, right? I am Jess! I am 26 years of age, I am (as of the last few weeks) the general manager of a small car rental company. I spent the last 10 years of my life working in various bookstores and generally devoting my whole entire life to the written word and with no avail there wasn't any kind of real future in sight so when this new opportunity presented itself to me, I jumped on board! It's strange to think but this job is actually much less stressful than working at the bookstore, sure I have way more responsibility but I can actually control the aspects of the business that people don't like, I can actually remedy customer complaints whereas when you work for a big cooperate entity, you have no say over anything and customers just do NOT understand that. Cashiers don't control the prices or stock counts, y'all! Oops, went off on a tangent. Anyway, I am from the south and I love it. I have 3 cats, I garden and I have a love of journaling and planning. I suffer from manic depression, general anxiety disorder, panic disorder and social anxiety disorder - I will go into this another day. Today all I want to do is create.


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