Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Wheel of the Year

Lughnasadh / Lammas

Ostara - Spring Equinox
Litha - Summer Solstice
Mabon - Autumnal Equinox

The Four lesser Sabbats are known as the Solar Festivals, in that they mark a seasonal change caused by the Sun. The cross quarter days, or greater Sabbats are the Fire Festivals and are usually celebrated as significant agricultural festivals. Modern Witches observe these eight festivals which we call "Sabbats" to honor the changing of the seasons and tune ourselves into the universes rhythms.


The Cycle of the God and Goddess within the Wheel is one that mirrors the cyclical nature of our spiritual growth and the life stages we move through in the course of our lifetimes. The Goddess is the Maiden of new beginnings and the gift of promise who becomes the nurturing Mother. She tends and cares for what she has birthed and as Her wisdom grows she enters the state of being that is the wise Crone who has seen all that life has to offer and gives that wisdom back to those who prove worthy. She remains a constant throughout the wheel, never dying or being reborn; changing only in the nature of expression that is necessary to ensure the cycle of the God.
The God also moves through the cycle of death and rebirth, and His course is that of sacrifice, death and then the mastery of rebirth. He moves through the Wheel as both child and lover to the Goddess as well as guardian and protector of both flora and fauna. Throughout his cycle of change he moves from the child of Light that is birthed at Yule to the Youth that quickens and enlivens at Beltane to the King of Power and Father of strength at Litha and finally to the place of the Sage whose energy sustains humanity in the harvested grain, cut down, and willingly sacrificed to feed and hold all safe throughout the cold of winter. Read more here.
There are many versions of this tale and they change from coven to coven or region to region. Another popular more solarized version of the wheel of the year story is that of the Oak King and the Holly King, this tales roots are in Celtic legend and you can read more about it here.


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