Saturday, November 11, 2017

There's no worries on the earth tonight, we're all walking off the world tonight - Journal


Happy Veterans' Day to all the men and women who have served our country; 
thank you for all of your past and present sacrifices. 
Sincerely, I am so grateful for you. 

That being said, it is Saturday - 11/11. It is unnervingly close to my 27th birthday. I never liked birthdays to begin with but this year it will be particularly painful. The last time I saw my older brother Dennis before he passed away on 11/25/16 was the weekend of my birthday. I am so glad I got to see him and just be there with him before the end, I wish I had been there at the end but none of us really expected it. I should clarify, we knew it was coming, we just didn't think it would be so fast - I really thought we had more time. It is still incredibly painful for me to talk about this at length, especially right now so I am going to move away from this subject for the time being. I just really needed to let a little bit of that hurt out. 

I've been trying to come up with different ideas for this blog, the challenge I keep running into is "will I be able to keep up with this?" as well as "is this relatable content?" 
A few of my ideas are... 
» My favorite things - monthly. So a collection of things I really enjoyed the past month, for october I was thinking of items like a new pen set I ordered, some new lotion, new hair dye brand so aso on. I'd of course add a small brutally honest review of the item. 
» Garden with Me! - sporadically. Either tutorials involving the growing process from seed to plant of one specific vegetable/flower or maybe articles surrounding specific things like winter gardening, good bugs vs bad bugs or what to do when everything dies. 
» Cooking Tutorials - sporadically. Just what it sounds like, random in-dept recipes with either step by step photos or videos. 
» Tarot spreads - rarely. I may occasionally share my tarot spreads and results. 
» Herbal tinctures and body scrub/soap recipes. 
» Plan with Me! In dept reviews of planners and planner products, ideas on how to organize your works flow and life. How to keep up with your planner, why plan, how to find planner peace, and so on. 

I feel like I have so many ideas and I want to do everything and it makes me so overwhelmed that I end up doing nothing instead. My current goal is to post something not witchy or personal by monday night, haha. We shall see! 


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