Thursday, November 9, 2017

AMA - Ask a Witch : The 2017 Edition

More often than not when someone new finds out that I am a practicing Pagan they react one of three ways; they roll their eyes at the idea of witchcraft comparing it to something akin to what they know from sci-fi movies and fantasy novels rather than an actual Religion, they are fearful and attempt to push religious conversion my way, or they show a genuine interest and healthy curiosity about different belief systems and begin asking questions, - sometimes in rapid fire succession!

Last weekend before Samhain (Halloween) I posted an anonymous survey and started discussion posts on instagram, facebook and reddit for strangers to ask me their questions about Witchcraft and the Occult.
Today I will answer some of those questions in this article and I implore any of you with more questions or even if you just want more detail on a topic to leave me a comment or send me a DM! Let's get started!

Do spells really work?
A: Yes, I believe they do work when performed with intent and focused energy. It may help to think of spells in a different light, think of spells more like prayers or if you're not a religious person as "the power of positive thought". Media has lead many people to believe the hollywood version of spellcasting; you mix some herbs and a puff of purple smoke appears and publishers clearing house is suddenly outside your front door - this is incorrect. A more accurate depiction of spellcraft would be someone sitting alone in their room before an altar they've decorated with herbs, stones and candles, that correspond to their purpose, chanting softly as incense smokes wafts around them. 

Do you worship the devil?
A: No, absolutely not. Witches do not believe in the Christian concept of Satan, hell or any form of ultimate evil. 

Are you born a witch? How do you know? 
A: You are no more born a Witch than you are born a Christian. Neither religion believes you are born into it, it is a choice you make then you learn about your faith through practice and hard work. In Witchcraft you are initiated whereas in Christianity you are baptized. 

So you mean you're a Wiccan, right?
A: Nope, I am a NeoPagan Witch. Paganism in the umbrella term for earth based religions (Not all Pagans practice Witchcraft or Wicca) and many different variations of worship exist beneath it, Wicca is a tradition of Witchcraft that became popularized by Gerald Gardner in the 1950s and is not necessarily affiliated with other types of Paganism though it is still a Pagan religion.

What is the difference between a wiccan and a witch?
A: It can get a bit confusing but it may help to think about it like this; not all Christians are Catholic but all Catholics are Christian, in that same respect all Wiccans are Pagan/Witches, but not all Witches/Pagans are Wiccans. 

What god(s) do you worship? 
A: This is one of the hardest questions, in my opinion, to answer as a Witch because honestly... it just sort of depends. Witches are, generally speaking, dualistic theists and worship the triple Goddess (the divine feminine) and the Horned God (the divine masculine) as equal and opposite cosmic forces. Some Witches worship multiple Gods (or even ALL Gods) and choose a certain patheon they feel attuned to. On the other hand, some Witches choose no deity and work more with "universal" energies and worship nature and the cosmos as a whole. 

How long have you been a witch? How did you choose your path?
A: I began practicing Witchcraft somewhere between the ages of 8 and 10 years old, and when I say practicing I mean obsessively reading every Wicca or Witchcraft book I could get my hands on, watching every movie, tv show and documentary and burning candles in the backyard chanting with my bestfriend under the moonlight. I began seriously considering Paganism my religion sometime around 13 as I became more informed about the realities of the craft verses the misconceptions of television and film. I was initiated at 16. 
I've always loved nature and felt a strong connection to the occult so this path seemed like a no brainer for me and I was lucky enough to have parents who let me explore other belief systems and make my own religious decisions. 
TL:DR -> 15 years or longer depending on your definition of practice. 

In the movie the Craft it states that in witchcraft that whatever you put out comes back times three. Is that a belief in Witchcraft or just movie BS? 
A: This is actually one of the few things movies tend to get sort-of right. 
While not all Pagans/Witches believe this, most do believe strongly in karmic forces and that whatever energy you put out into the world will return to you, often threefold as three is a scared number to Witches. The rule of three, generally speaking however, is a Wiccan concept derived from a poem called The Wiccan Rede which you can read here

What do witches believe will happen to you after death? 
A: Witches do not have the same relationship with mortality that most people do. The Witches relationship with endings and death is one of acceptance and reverence. Beliefs regarding the afterlife may vary slightly but most Non-Wiccan Pagans believe in reincarnation and some concept of nirvana. Most Wiccans believe in a version of "heaven" called The Summerlands.

Do you have to join a coven? How do you find one?
A: No, you do not HAVE to join a coven or a circle though there are many advantages to doing so especially if you are seeking someone to learn from. Many Witches choose to work in solitude however and this is also acceptable, I myself, work the majority of the time alone. A good place to begin looking for covens or groups to learn from/join and voice is The Witches Voice. Make sure to ask lots of question and expect them to ask you a lot of questions as well - if you are uncomfortable then go with your gut and find another coven, likewise if they reject you do not feel hurt. This is no different than seeking a church to join, finding the right one for you can be a journey in itself.  

Do ouija boards really work?
A: I am probably going to get crap for this but in my opinion - no they do not actually contact the dead or demons or spirits. I love the curiosity around them and the spooky aesthetic (I collect ouija  board paraphernalia) but I do not believe in them. Ouija boards work through something called ideomotor effect which explains that your body's subconscious causes micro movements. Read about the science behind it here.

Do you do anything thing different from the rest of us for Halloween (e.g. not begging for sweets/watching bad movies)? 
A: Witches celebrate Samhain in place of or in addition to Halloween. Samhain is the Witches new year and highest holy day. We observe the death of summer and take this time to honor our ancestors. I wrote a full length article about it here.

Can I cast a love spell on someone? 
A: You can but you should not do so, it is unwise to attempt to influence another person or perform spells on them without their consent - remember when we talked about karmic forces and the rule of three? It is very likely that these types of spells will not turn out how you thought they would, if they come to fruition at all. The only type of love spell I suggest to ever cast is one on yourself; to bring about greater self-love, to draw your soulmate near, to attract love in general (no strings here, no specific person) or the numerous other love spells that exist and don't involve manipulation.

Where do I get a book of shadows?
A: A Book of Shadows or a Grimoire is not generally something you purchase, you may purchase a blank book intended to be used as one but you create your own content. A Book of Shadows is a workbook, a journal, a scrapbook, and yes, a spellbook. Inside a Witches personal Book of Shadows (Covens often have a community book in addition to members having their own) you will often find; charts of correspondences, recipes, rituals, meditative prompts, moon phases and so much more. 
 I will eventually create a flip-through video of my own Grimoire and post it here. 

Do you really get naked to do spells? Is it a sex thing?
A: Yes! The term we use in the craft is 'skyclad'. This is not a requirement though so if you aren't comfortable going skyclad, don't do it! The main purpose of performing rituals in the nude is that it is believed energies flow more freely between you and the universe without the restrictions of man-made clothing, you are as you came into the world. It should be noted that performing rituals skyclad is intended to be a deeply spiritual and connective experience and is in no way sexual or sexualized, many Witches (myself included) will only go skyclad with their partner or in solitude. 

How do Witches view sex and marriage? 
A: Witches view sex as scared, pleasurable and deeply intimate. Sex is part of nature and therefore a divine act when it takes place between two consenting adults. Pleasure is not at all sinful in Pagan religions and while sex/fertility rituals (Ie, The Great Rite) do exist and are commonly practiced, group sex is very rare and mostly a construct of the media.
Most Witches are monogamous and choose one partner to spend their life with. A Pagan wedding is called a Handfasting, during the ceremony you and your partners hands are gently bound together  either before or after you recite your vows to each other thus "tying the knot". Other aspects of Pagan weddings vary from custom to custom just like Christian weddings - some drink wine, jump the broom, or light a unity candle. 

How do you deal with people making assumptions about your practice based on movies, TV, cartoons, etc.? I have great respect for your choice and have always wondered how I would deal with ignorant people assuming that witches steal children and curse crops.
A: This is something I used to struggle with a lot more in my youth than I do today. I don't know if it became easier for me to deal with as I matured or if the rise of the internet helped dispel a lot of old beliefs, stereotypes and superstitions. 
When I am confronted by people with negative assumptions I do my best, when possible, to inform and educate them. If I am unsuccessful or if they just want to be mean just for the sake of being mean I will turn the other cheek and agree to disagree. 


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